The Secret to Successful Change: Team

The Secret to Successful Change: Team

When we strive for change, going it alone is almost always a means to guarantee failure. All types of change are difficult, but modifying habits and behaviors can be especially difficult. Establishing a mechanism for support becomes particularly important when you...
Making Space for Something New

Making Space for Something New

Whenever we look to add something new into our world (specifically if it takes time), we have to decide what it is we are going to stop doing. So long as we stay on the planet, time is the one resource that that we all receive in equal amounts. How we utilize our time...
Break the Cycle, Stop the Insanity

Break the Cycle, Stop the Insanity

A few days ago I wrote about the power of habits that increase your productivity and now I am suggesting that you break the cycle of habits. But in fact, these two concepts actually go together much better than it might appear at first glance. Creating new habits is...