by admin_wp | May 8, 2016 | Leadership, Tweet Image
It doesn’t matter if you have 40 hours a week to work on your business, or 4. The most important thing is that you put your whole focus into the work that you do, in the time that you have. If you can discipline yourself to do this, you will see growth....
by Gwen Bortner | Jan 15, 2016 | Abundance, Show Your Work
Failure is a harsh word. But it is often the word we associate with a scenario that doesn’t turn out in the successful, happy, satisfying way that we had originally planned. But I don’t think looking at something as a failure is really helpful. If...
by Gwen Bortner | Sep 4, 2013 | Abundance
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130904-PinkyBrain” alt=”Pinky and the Brain”]Image via Flickr by JD Hancock[/featured-image] Even though I don’t have kids, that does not stop me from watching (and thoroughly...
by Gwen Bortner | Aug 19, 2013 | Tips & Tricks
Depending upon your personality, being labeled as “leader” can have either very good or very bad connotations. Some of us find ourselves in leadership positions without much effort or trepidation while others try and avoid the role like the plague....
by Gwen Bortner | Aug 15, 2013 | Abundance
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130815-Shamrocks” alt=”Shamrocks”]Image via Flickr by v923z[/featured-image] I am lucky – I have a job that I love, and I am very good at my job! I earn a reasonable living wage!...