I have always been a positive person. I am not sure if I was born with that outlook, or if I just developed it as a result of a wonderful upbringing. But regardless, I have learned over the years that there is amazing power in positive thinking.
[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”130908-JumpForJoy” alt=”jump”]Photo Credit: Ant1_G via Compfight cc[/featured-image]
Whether you believe in nature or nurture, attitude is ultimately a choice. Looking for the best, seeking a win-win, believing in the possibilities are all ways we can achieve greater success.
Now let me be perfectly clear: I am not a Polyanna. But I do make an effort to focus on what is both good and important whenever possible. A few weeks ago I posted on my knitting blog about my process and my willingness to take a risk to begin to focus more on this new venture. As part of the research I discovered an event that sounded perfect for me, but it had very limited enrollment so it was already sold out! But hey…I could sign up for the wait list even though I thought it very unlikely that I would get to attend.
Although I continued to believe that this would be a great opportunity, I also knew my chances of attending were quickly diminishing. Keep in mind – the event is now happening next week. Yesterday, I received an email informing me that a spot had opened up. This meant that the reduced hotel rate was gone and the flight was going to be crazy expensive; but instead of focusing on those aspects of the situation, I focused on the positive.
I really wanted to attend this event, and since I had put my name on the waiting list, it was now a possibility. The conference rate and hotel rate I found online was just $30 more than the discounted price, so truly, the difference was not that big of a deal. I fly all the time, so mileage points add up, and this was the perfect time to use them. All of my scheduled appointments could be moved without any serious consequences. The one meeting on the schedule could be managed by someone else. Ultimately, after a short conversation with my husband (making sure there wouldn’t be any issues for the short-notice trip) and some quick research on the internet, I knew this was my positive thinking paying off.

Photo Credit: cloud_nine via Compfight cc
Some folks will want to call this luck, but in this case it is like the anonymous quote says:
“Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer!”
I have been working hard to create this luck, and now my goal will be to maximize the opportunity. But my guess is next week will be great. Why? The same reason it came to me in the first place: I believe in the power of the positive. Expect it to be wonderful, fun, informative and life-changing and it usually is!!
When was the last time you experienced the power of positive thinking? Share your good vibe story in the comments below!