Where Have You Been?

Where Have You Been?

The simple question, “Where have you been?” can have a surprisingly large number of meanings depending upon the context and the person asking the question. But regardless, it is a question that requires reflection and seeks information. [featured-image...
Teaching Isn’t About Knowing More

Teaching Isn’t About Knowing More

One of my very favorite things to do is teach. Recently I was interviewed for a video podcast by QuiltMoxie, and toward the end she asked me about my favorite question. What I answered was I have a favorite TYPE of question: it is the question whose answer causes the...
Starting a New Adventure with a BANG!

Starting a New Adventure with a BANG!

[featured-image single-newwindow=”false” id=”SONY DSC” alt=”fireworks”] In the United States, the 4th of July is the day we celebrate our birth as a country – often with setting off fireworks. I have long associated the phrase...